General Terms and Conditions

Webwins ( Founder: Alexander Pichler Rua Dr. Teofilo Braga 7, res do chao, esq. 1200-653 Lisbon, Portugal Webwins is a company headquartered in Lisbon, Portugal, which primarily serves customers in Germany.

1. Subject and scope

Diese Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen (AGB) regeln die Vertragsverhältnisse zwischen Webwins und seinen Kunden für die erbrachten Online-Marketing-Dienstleistungen. Sofern nicht in speziellen Bedingungen abweichende Regelungen getroffen werden, gelten diese AGB vorrangig. Geschäftsbedingungen des Kunden werden nur anerkannt, wenn sie von Webwins schriftlich bestätigt werden. Diese AGB gelten nicht für Verträge mit Verbrauchern gemäß § 13 BGB.

2. Conclusion of the contract

2.1 Offers from Webwins are subject to change. A contract is concluded through an express order confirmation or receipt of the access data for the customer menu.

2.2 Verbal additional agreements require written confirmation by Webwins.

2.3 In the event of a change of ownership, sale of the company or the subject matter of the contract, the contractual relationships remain in effect unless Webwins expressly agrees to the transfer.

3. Scope of services

3.1 Webwins specializes in providing web design, branding and digital marketing services. In the area of ​​digital marketing, we particularly offer services such as search engine optimization (SEO), management of sponsored links campaigns and online reputation management.

3.2 The design and positioning in web directories and search engines is the responsibility of the respective providers. Webwins has no influence on this, especially not on the inclusion, modification or removal of websites and their content.

3.3 The possibility of making entries on internet portals is generally accessible and therefore does not fall within the area of ​​responsibility of Webwins.

3.4 Webwins reserves the right to use projects and work for customers as references. This also applies to the period after the contractual relationship has ended, unless the customer objects in writing.

4. Prices and compensation

The agreed prices are recorded in writing when the order is placed. For B2B customers in Germany, there is no VAT on our invoices. All prices are net. Changes in prices will be communicated to the customer in writing.


5. Payment Terms

5.1 Setup fees are due upon conclusion of the contract. Periodic fees are due at the beginning of each period.

5.2 Invoices are due immediately and must be paid without deductions. Webwins can adapt payment methods.

5.3 In the event of late payment, default occurs automatically without a reminder being necessary.

5.4 In the event of payment arrears, Webwins can withhold further services.

5.5 In the event of payment arrears or announcement of a general refusal to pay, Webwins can terminate the contract without notice.

5.6 If two or more monthly contributions are in arrears or if a general refusal to pay is announced or if the customer’s obligations to cooperate are not fulfilled, Webwins is entitled to terminate the contract with the customer without notice and to demand compensation.

6. Contract term and termination

6.1 Contracts with Webwins are generally concluded for an indefinite period of time and have an agreed minimum contract term and notice period.

6.2 The minimum contract term is normally 12 months, unless otherwise agreed. The notice period is 3 months.

6.3 If the contract is not terminated, it will be automatically extended.

6.4 Changes to the contract affect the minimum contract term and extension effect.

6.5 A written justification is required for an extraordinary termination.

6.6 In the event of price increases, the customer has a special right of termination.

7. Fulfillment

7.1 Webwins may involve third parties to fulfill the contract.

7.2 Webwins determines the time at which the service is provided.

7.3 In the event of force majeure or other uncontrollable circumstances, Webwins is released from its obligation to provide services.

7.4 If the customer does not cooperate, Webwins is exempt from providing the service

7.5 Webwins informs the customer about services carried out in the customer menu.

7.6 Webwins can open membership accounts on internet portals in the customer’s name.

8. Liability

8.1 Webwins is liable in accordance with legal provisions for damages resulting from injury to life, body or health.

8.2 Webwins is only liable for other damages in the event of intent or gross negligence.

8.3 Express guarantees from Webwins are subject to separate conditions.

8.4 If a cardinal obligation is breached, Webwins is also liable for slight negligence.

8.5 Any further liability on the part of Webwins is excluded.

8.6 Webwins is not liable for damages that arise due to the customer’s breach of his obligations to cooperate.

8.7 Liability is also limited to the personal liability of Webwins’ employees and vicarious agents.

8.8 Webwins is not liable for data and program losses unless due to gross negligence.

8.9 Claims for damages expire after six months.

8.10 Webwins is not liable for the effects of uncoordinated optimization measures.

8.11 The creation, removal or non-removal of a backlink is at the discretion of Webwins.

9. Customer Obligations and Release of Liability

9.1 The customer is responsible for the legal admissibility of services and measures.

9.2 The customer releases Webwins from claims based on illegal services.

9.3 The customer is obliged to provide all necessary information.

9.4 The customer grants Webwins access to websites and systems.

9.5 The customer is obliged to make a complaint immediately.

10. Property rights, copyright protection, rights of use

10.1 Urheberrechtlich geschützte Werke von Webwins bleiben Eigentum von Webwins.

10.2 Die Nutzung von Leistungen von Webwins über den vertraglichen Rahmen hinaus bedarf der Zustimmung von Webwins.

10.3 Nutzungsrechte gehen erst nach vollständiger Zahlung auf den Kunden über.

10.4 Bis zum Übergang der Nutzungsrechte ist der Kunde zur Nutzungsunterlassung verpflichtet.

10.5 Der Kunde ist für den Inhalt seiner Webpräsenzen verantwortlich.

11. Confidentiality and retention obligations

11.1 The customer must treat all Webwins business transactions and data confidentially.

11.2 Webwins is not obliged to retain data after the end of the contract.

12. Data Protection

Webwins is committed to maintaining data protection. Webwins may process personal data as part of the execution of the order.

13. Applicable Law

13.1 German law applies.

13.2 Webwins reserves the right to adjust the terms and conditions at any time.

13.3 Invalid provisions do not affect the validity of the remaining provisions.



Alexander Pichler

Your contact person

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